our methodology

We base our work on the following methodological considerations:

  • An integrated approach to sustainable development

     At Yanapuma we utilize an integrated strategy for sustainable development based upon encouraging participation and collaboration and avoiding paternalism. Within this model project development takes place in discrete phases and areas, but always with an understanding of how the parts will fit together into a unified strategy. To this end projects are always developed with a long- term view of facilitating and sustaining change processes through the creation of economic opportunities, delivery of services and capacity development. This approach entails a holistic programmatic vision of sustainable development always grounded upon the view that it is the people themselves who are the true drivers of their own future. Over the last three years the dialogue of defining our methodology has led us down a path that incorporates seven basic elements, all of which help to sustain a participatory action oriented and community driven approach to sustainable development:

    Build confidence and transparency between the foundation and local beneficiaries

    Participation and Communication
    Construct spaces of dialogue in order to understand community needs and resources

    - Networks
    Form organizational networks for project financing, development and implementation

    Capacity Development
    Promote social responsibility and dialogue through participatory project planning and action group formation

    - Sustainability
    Promote sustainability through working alongside community action groups in project development

    - Integration
    Implement multisectoral programs that integrate agriculture, health and education to promote a sustainable future together with local beneficiaries

    - Evaluation and learning
    Monitor and evaluate projects with community action groups to improve project implementation

Yanapuma Foundation
Our work is founded on the belief that the processes of globalization are inevitable. Without help indigenous cultures and communities most often end up losing control of or destroying their resource base. They lose their traditional cultural values and relationships to their environment. Thus they are drawn into a system in which they are ill-equipped to compete and are destined to remain at the bottom of the economic ladder, with under-developed infrastructure, and poor prospects for future generations. We believe that such communities have the right to maintain control of their resources and to live dignified and sustainable lives. With the right help they can develop suitable strategies and work towards a fulfilling future. But their responses need to be coordinated across all axes in order to achieve truly sustainable lives. Thus we believe it is important to support sustainable practices on multiple levels in order to present viable and holistic options.

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